Opened third eyes, what to expect as signs that your consciousness is expanding


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What  i experience after my  third eyes got opened are the following everything i look at get zoomed, my dreams are now more vivid and real, a blue sphere landed in my right hand twirled around my arm and went under my shirt and twirled clockwise around my torso especially around my throat and jaw and I heard fluttering wings, tilted my head up and then it flew away. (wtf) For 2 weeks pressure in my head, i was jumping out of my skin with sounds and eyesight was sensitive I didnt know what to think, I was weepy for no reason, I now see colors of blue and purple with lots of violet when my eyes are closed to sleep, the opening in the colors has a dark sky with stars? I try to see past the opening but fall asleep every time. Lots of strange things have been happening lately and I started see firefly sparks and I took a picture and it was a solid white sphere with rainbow edges about 6 inches diameter I dont know what to think about this?? I also never knew about astral travel or any of this in fact, but I think I was pulled into astral travel by my ankles I actually felt tugging by a tall 7'-10' muscular blue being I can remember looking at this and thinking this person is blue and very tall (no face) then I looked at my arms and they were blue also but I seemed normal size, then I woke up??

I am able to tap into the universe at will and it is wonderful to read a community of interested participants that are using natural rituals that our ancient ancestors used 5,000 years ago and some cultures within the 5,000 and present period. The energy light that your third eye will start to allow you to see are tiny photon particles that have gathered into a larger mass. When they are larger masses they are known as "Glyphs" ghost like energy. Photon particles are everywhere in the universe and they are the building blocks to the wormhole or portals of course when self has greatly developed itself in the metaphysical realm. This particular energy is the source that allows the brain to preform telekinesis. When the pineal gland ( third eye ) and brain with all cortex regions are activated one is able to manipulate the photon energy ( glyphs ) to move objects. Yes, this is real but one must cultivate lots of cosmic energy to control the photons like you want them too.

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